Nauman Hussain to appear in Court for 2018 Schoharie Limo Crash Case

Nauman Hussain - law insider

Greeva Garg – 

Published on: September 1, 2021, at 17:57 IST

In Criminal Proceedings of the 2018 Schoharie Limo Crash Case, the prime accused Nauman Hussain will be appearing for a hearing on September 2.

Nauman, the limousine company operator, is accused of causing horrific deaths of 20 people under Manslaughter and Criminally Negligent Homicide.

Nauman was the owner of the limo company, whose vehicle was involved in a heart wrenching road crash in 2018 due to brake failure and other mechanical failure. After 18 months of negotiations between Hussain’s Defense attorney and Schoharie County District Court attorney, Nauman will be present in the Court for trial to determine whether held guilty or not. The appearance of the accused was moved to the Schoharie High School Gymnasium to accommodate the large crowd.

Judge George Bartlett III, presiding over the matter, will approve the terms of the plea deal as per the contentions of both parties.

The families of the victims are seeking long-awaited justice by convicting the accused for years in State prison.
Lee Kindlon, attorney representing Hussain stated, they would not agree upon a plea deal if that will include Jail term, and are confident enough that they will not come across a situation like that because Hussain would not be found guilty.

Also Read: Car accidents caused by Negligence

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