Can AI generated work be subject matter to copyright infringement?

By Adv Rishabh Kumar

Edited By Bharti Verma, Associate Editor at Law Insider

Published on: October 9, 2023 at 19:36 IST

The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) has raised significant questions about its relationship with copyright law. As AI systems generate creative works, the lines between human and machine authorship blur, challenging traditional copyright frameworks. This article explores the intricate of AI and copyright, examining key legal and ethical considerations in a world where algorithms create art, music, literature, and more.

Understanding AI Created Content

AI generated content refers to text, images, videos, or other digital materials created with the assistance of artificial intelligence technologies. These technologies, such as OpenAI’s GPT3, use complex algorithms and vast datasets to generate content that can mimic humanlike language patterns and creativity.

AIgenerated content spans diverse domains, from algorithmic artwork and music compositions to automated news articles and computer generated novels. These creations are made possible through deep learning algorithms that analyze vast datasets to replicate humanlike patterns of creativity. However, AI lacks human consciousness, leading to a fundamental question: can nonhuman entities hold copyright?

Limitation of AI Generated content

AI generated content has certain limitations that are important to consider. First and foremost, AI lacks true understanding and consciousness. Unlike humans, AI does not comprehend content in the same nuanced and intuitive way. It processes information based on patterns and data but lacks genuine understanding or awareness.

Ethical concerns also surround AI generated content. If not properly controlled and monitored, AI has the potential to generate biased or inappropriate material. This is particularly significant when AI is trained on datasets that reflect existing human biases, leading the technology to perpetuate these biases in its generated content.

Another limitation lies in the context sensitivity of AI generated text. While AI can generate text, it may struggle with grasping the subtle nuances of context. Consequently, this can result in responses that are either inaccurate or inappropriate for the given situation. Understanding these limitations is crucial in ensuring responsible and thoughtful use of AI generated content.

The Mechanics of AI Creativity

At the heart of AI created content lies complex algorithms and machine learning models. These algorithms, particularly those based on deep learning techniques, analyze vast amounts of data to recognize patterns, styles, and structures within human created works. By deciphering the nuances of language, music, or visual arts, AI systems can generate content that mimics the creative output of human artists and authors.

One of the remarkable features of AI creativity is its ability to amalgamate diverse influences. For instance, an AI system can analyze thousands of paintings from different art movements and create a new piece that reflects a unique blend of these styles. Similarly, in the realm of music, AI algorithms can compose pieces that echo the characteristics of multiple genres or even blend cultural influences from various parts of the world.

Challenges in Determining Authorship

The question of authorship in AI generated content is both fascinating and contentious. Traditional copyright laws were crafted to protect the intellectual property of human creators. However, as AI systems autonomously generate creative works, the definition of an author becomes blurred. AI lacks consciousness, intentionality, and emotions – key elements traditionally associated with human creativity. As a result, AI generated works don’t neatly fit into the existing legal frameworks.

This challenge becomes even more pronounced in collaborative environments where humans provide input to AI algorithms. Determining the proportion of human contribution that warrants copyright protection raises intricate questions. For instance, if a human artist tweaks an AI generated painting, does that make them the sole author, or does the AI’s contribution also merit recognition?

Determining authorship of AI created content presents several challenges due to the unique nature of artificial intelligence. Here are some of the key challenges faced in this context:

1. Lack of Human Origin: AI generated content does not have a human origin in the traditional sense. It is created by algorithms and data, making it difficult to attribute authorship to a specific individual.

2. Collaborative Process: AI systems often involve a collaborative process. Engineers, data scientists, and developers contribute to creating the algorithms and training the models. Determining authorship becomes complex when multiple individuals are involved in different aspects of the AI system’s development.

3. Dynamic Learning and Adaptation: AI models, especially those based on machine learning, continuously learn and adapt from new data. The content they generate might evolve over time, making it challenging to pinpoint a specific moment or individual responsible for the final output.

4. Data Sources and Training Sets: AI models are trained on vast datasets from diverse sources. Determining authorship is complicated when the model generates content based on a mixture of texts from countless authors and texts.

5. Fine Tuning and Customization: Users can finetune pretrained AI models for specific tasks. This customization blurs the lines of original authorship, as the output is influenced by both the original model’s creators and the users who finetune it.

6. Legal and Intellectual Property Challenges: The lack of clear authorship complicates legal matters such as copyright and intellectual property rights. It’s unclear who holds the rights to AI generated content, leading to legal challenges in various creative and commercial contexts.

7. Ethical Concerns: Without clear authorship, issues related to accountability and responsibility arise. If AI generated content causes harm, determining who is accountable becomes a significant ethical challenge.

Legal and regulatory frameworks have not yet caught up with the capabilities of AI technology. The lack of clear guidelines and regulations further complicates the determination of authorship for AI generated content.

Addressing these challenges requires a multidisciplinary approach involving experts from fields such as technology, law, ethics, and policymaking. Clearer guidelines and regulations are necessary to navigate the complex landscape of authorship in the age of artificial intelligence.

Also Read: Emerging Legal Challenges in the age of Artificial Intelligence

AI and the Public Domain

One potential solution to the authorship dilemma lies in the concept of the public domain. If AI generated works are considered public domain material, they are freely accessible and usable by everyone. This approach aligns with the fact that AI lacks human creativity and therefore does not contribute unique, copyrightable content. However, defining clear boundaries for what constitutes public domain in the context of AI creativity remains a challenge.

Human AI Collaboration

In scenarios where humans collaborate significantly with AI systems, questions about authorship emerge. If a human provides substantial creative input or curates AI generated content, copyright claims may be applicable. Legal systems are challenged to discern the extent of human involvement necessary for authorship and copyright eligibility, leading to ongoing debates in courts and legislative bodies.

Database Rights and AI

AI systems heavily rely on vast datasets, raising issues related to database rights. Sui generis database rights protect the investment made in creating and maintaining databases. AIgenerated databases, although created by algorithms, may be subject to these rights, highlighting the complex interplay between technology and legal frameworks

Looking Ahead

The future of AI created content holds immense promise and potential. As AI algorithms continue to evolve, they may play a pivotal role in augmenting human creativity, leading to new forms of artistic expression and innovative works. However, as we venture further into this uncharted territory, it is imperative for legal systems and ethical frameworks to adapt and strike a balance between fostering innovation and protecting the rights and integrity of creators.

The ongoing dialogue between technology experts, legal scholars, ethicists, and the wider society is essential in shaping a future where AI and human creativity coexist harmoniously, enriching the cultural tapestry of our world.

Law and AI Generated content

The legal landscape surrounding AI and copyright is fragmented and varies across jurisdictions. Some countries have proposed specific legislation addressing AI generated works. For example, the European Union’s Intellectual Property Office has explored legal personhood for AI, offering a potential framework for copyright protection. However, international consensus is lacking, leading to legal uncertainty.

There were no specific laws in India that exclusively governed AI copyright. However, copyright laws in India, like in many other countries, generally protect original literary, artistic, musical, and dramatic works. AI-generated content might be eligible for copyright protection if it meets the originality criteria.

In India, copyright protection is governed by the Copyright Act, 1957. According to this law, copyright is granted to the author or creator of the work. Since AI, as of now, is not recognized as a legal person, it cannot be considered the author of a work.

Recent development:

Delhi HC Protects Anil Kapoor’s Personality Rights: Understanding the Intersection of AI and Copyright Law

In a recent legal battle, the Delhi High Court ruled in favor of Bollywood actor Anil Kapoor, affirming his right to protect his personality rights from misuse by third parties.

Anil Kapoor’s case exemplified this legal struggle. Kapoor’s lawyer, Pravin Anand, argued that several entities had wrongfully used Kapoor’s name and persona, infringing on his personality rights. Anand meticulously distinguished unauthorized use from “fair use,” emphasizing that commercial exploitation without authorization couldn’t qualify as fair.

The court’s ruling highlighted key elements determining infringement liability.

  1. The right being claimed must be valid, meaning the plaintiff must possess an enforceable right in their identity.
  2. The celebrity must be easily identifiable from the alleged misuse, which necessitates an “unaided identification” for well-known individuals.
  3. Evidence demonstrating the defendant’s intent to exploit the celebrity’s identity is crucial, reinforcing the identifiability presumption.

This legal precedent raises essential questions about the evolving intersection of technology and intellectual property law. Particularly noteworthy is the use of technological tools such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), which played a role in Anil Kapoor’s case.

Kapoor’s legal team successfully argued against entities employing AI, face morphing, and GIFs for monetary gain, underscoring the challenges posed by modern technology to established legal frameworks.


The question of AI-generated content and copyright becomes complex because there is no clear legal precedent to address it specifically. If a human programmer or a team of programmers develops an AI that generates creative content, the copyright might be attributed to the human creator(s) under existing copyright laws. The copyright holder is typically the person or entity that directs the creation of the work.

AI’s impact on copyright challenges traditional notions of creativity and authorship. While current laws do not recognize AI as authors, the increasing complexity of human AI collaborations necessitates a reevaluation of legal frameworks.

As technology continues to advance, the legal surrounding personality rights and AI-generated content remains dynamic. Striking a balance between innovation and protecting individuals’ rights necessitates legal framework.

Also Read: The Rising Threat: AI Deepfake Scams and Their Hidden Dangers

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