Snehal Upadhyay-
The former US President Donald Trump filed three different lawsuits against Facebook and its CEO Mark Zuckerberg, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey and Google CEO Sundar Pichai in Florida’s Federal Court.
He has targeted these tech giants for blocking him on all these social media platforms. This action was taken against his involvement in January’s Capitol Hill riots. He was blocked from using social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.
Trump was permanently banned by Twitter followed by Facebook after holding him accountable for the Capitol Hills riots and they have no plans to unblock him for at least two years.
“We are demanding an end to the shadow-banning, a stop to the silencing, and a stop to the blacklisting, banishing, and cancelling that you know so well,” Trump said in a press conference.
Trump further said that if they can ban a president then they could can anybody easily and hence it would be violative of one’s Right to free speech.
Trump has stated in his lawsuit that being blocked from social media platforms violates his Right to free speech. He has further stated that he got banned for saying “the most loving sentences.”
Earlier Twitter while banning the account of Trump stated that his tweets glorified Capital hills riots violence.
“President’s statements can be mobilized by different audiences, including to incite violence, as well as in the context of the pattern of behaviour from this account in recent weeks. After assessing the language in these Tweets against our Glorification of Violence policy, we have determined that these Tweets are in violation of the Glorification of Violence Policy and the user @realDonaldTrump should be immediately permanently suspended from the service,” Twitter had said in a blog post before banning Trump.
Twitter, Facebook and Google have not yet responded to the lawsuit.
Also read: The Cases against Donald Trump