Contempt of court against the bollywood actor Swara Bhaskar sought by Usha Shetty

By Rupali Gupta-

Usha shetty, living in Karnataka has approached the Attorney General under the Contempt of court act, 1971 and SC rules for initiating proceedings of contempt of court against the bollywood actor Swara Bhaskar. She was invited by the NGO to participate in conference- “Artists against communalism”, where she made a statement that ‘Scandalised’ the court. The petitioner quoted bhaskar’s words “We are now in a situation where our courts are not sure whether they believe in the Constitution or not…We are living in a country where the Supreme Court of our country states in a judgment that the demolition of Babri Masjid was unlawful and in the same judgment rewards the same people who brought down the mosque.”

Shetty claimed in her petition about the statement that “ it is not only cheap stunt of publicity” but also a deliberate attempt to turn masses to revolt against the top court. “The alleged contemnor statements intends to incite feeling of no-confidence amongst the public with respect to the proceedings of the Hon’ble Court and integrity of the Hon’ble Judges of the Apex Court of India”, the petition stated.

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