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Johnny Depp Testifies Amber Heard Attacked Him, But He Never Hit Back

Khushi Gupta

Published on: April 21, 2022 at 16:18 IST

Actor Johnny Depp said that the constant quarrels with his ex-wife Amber Heard would ever evoke him to hit her. He Testified that she was the partner who threw bottles at him, faked Domestic Violence and became so volatile that he had to hide in a bathroom.

“Violence isn’t necessary. Why would you hit someone to make them agree with you?”, Deep said against Heard in second day of his Testimony.

Heard has accused Depp of Physically and Sexually Assaulting her on multiple occasions before and during their brief marriage.

He testified that Heard was on the phone with a friend shouting, ‘Stop hitting me Johnny!’ even though he was standing nowhere near her.

“There were times when I would just go and lock myself in the bathroom or a place where she couldn’t get to,” Depp said. Depp said he used drugs and drank alcohol as a way to cope with Heard’s abuse and said she was also a heavy drinker.

Depp sued Heard after she wrote a 2018 op-ed piece in The Washington Post in which she referred to herself as a Public Figure representing Domestic Abuse.

Depp said the Accusations and the article contributed to an unfairly ruined reputation that made him a Hollywood Pariah and cost him his role in the lucrative ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ movie franchise.

Heard’s Lawyers say the article is accurate and doesn’t defame him. They say Depp’s ruined Reputation is due to his own bad behaviour along with drug and alcohol abuse.