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Joe Biden dismay of Unconstitutional Chaos due to Texas Abortion Law

Greeva Garg – 

Published on: September 3, 2021, at 09:25 IST

The United States (US) President Joe Biden was dismayed at Supreme Court’s refusal to block Texas Abortion Law and pledged to defend the Abortion Rights of pregnant women in the country.

This Texas Abortion law ban abortions after six weeks of pregnancy, at the time when most of the woman does not even know about their pregnancy.

“The Supreme Court’s ruling overnight is an unprecedented assault on a woman’s constitutional rights under the case of Roe v. Wade, which has been the law of the land for almost fifty years,” Biden said in a statement.

In the case of Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court pronounced the Landmark Judgment in 1973 case which enshrined a woman’s right to an abortion in the United States.

“This Texas Abortion Law is so extreme it does not even allow for exceptions in the case of rape or incest,” Biden said.

The President emphasized a particular provision of the new law passed by the Republican lawmakers in Texas that allows members of the public to sue doctors who perform abortions or anyone facilitating the procedure.

“By allowing a law to go into effect that empowers private citizens in Texas to sue health care providers, family members supporting a woman exercising her right to choose after six weeks, or even a friend who drives her to a hospital or clinic, it unleashes unconstitutional chaos and empowers self-anointed enforcers to have devastating impacts,” Biden said.

Biden indicated the ruling by the Top Court was an error in its actions, warning that it threatens to unleash Unconstitutional Chaos.

Also Read: SC of US allows Texas law banning Abortion After six weeks of pregnancy