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US new Bill aim at Apple, Google & Facebook to catch up to Europe Tech push

Swarna Shukla

Published On: October 15, 2021 at 10:15 IST

The United States lawmakers passed another legislation aimed at Big Tech to catch up to what Europe’s regulators have been doing. 

Sen. Amy Klobuchar announced plans to present a Bipartisan Bill that would intercept dominant online platforms such as Apple Inc Alphabet Inc.’s Google from favouring their products at the third-party vendors.

In the House of Representatives, the introduced bill sought to remove some Section 230 liability protection for tech platforms.

Section 230 of the Communication Decency Act generally provides internet platforms legal immunity from the posting of third-party content.

The new Bill is a part of an ambitious push to check the growing power of tech’s largest companies in the US, which has significantly failed to pass laws in recent years, while Europe has moved forward.

The Digital Services Act and the Digital Markets Act passed by Europe, could be enforced next year and hence Europe requires companies to stop self-preferencing themselves. This is just one of the series of attempts to balance the growing power of the Big Tech platform.

Meanwhile, the US Lawmakers, Regulators and Judges continue to be powerless by decades-old laws, limiting their ability to charge and prosecute tech companies.

Also Read: South Korea’s new ‘Anti-Google Law’ – Explained

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