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Madhya Pradesh Cabinet passes Law to penalize destructors of Govt Property

Shivani Gadhavi

Published On: December 17, 2021 at 17:30 IST

The Madhya Pradesh Cabinet which was headed by Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chauhan passed a Law which would penalize all those would destroy or destruct Government and private property during protests, Strikes, Riots or Demonstrations.

The Madhya Pradesh Lok Evam Niji Sampattiko Nuksan Nivarak Evam Nuksanki Wasuli Bill 2021 (Madhya Pradesh Recovery of Damages to Public and Private Property Bill 2021) would be presented in the Legislative Assembly in the winter session. The Government will recover twice the value of the damages caused to properties from the rioters.

Narottam Mishra, Home Minister, stated “If anyone destroys government or private property, both movable & immovable, during protest, strike or riot, then it will be recovered from the Accused and paid to the property owner. If necessary, property of the Accused will be seized and auctioned to recover the money.”

The Home Minister stated that a Tribunal will be set up and appointed with the powers of a Civil Court and its Jurisdiction extending across the state. (Exclusion of Jurisdiction of Civil Court)

A retired Judge will be appointed as the commissioner of the Tribunal and Police Inspector Generals and Secretaries will be the members of the Tribunal.

There will be a district collector who will be the complainant for the loss of government property and for private properties the owner will file a complaint in the Tribunal within 30 days of the incident. Every district will be having a ‘claim commissioner’ who will be either the additional or deputy collector.

The Tribunal will then initiate an Investigation against the Accused. If the Accused does not pay the damages his property will be seized and auctioned off after 15 days.

The Accused will be given 90 days to appeal in a High Court in order to challenge the Tribunal’s verdict.

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