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JNU to file status report on students plea seeking in-campus COVID care facility


The Jawaharlal Nehru University will file a status report on 12th May 2021 with respect to a petition filed by its students and faculty. The petition sought directions from the Delhi High Court, to create a COVID care Facility inside the campus. 

The action came after the single-judge bench of Justice Prathiba M Singh on 11th  May directed the respondent University to email a status report till 13th May by 9 AM, stating the steps taken by the administration of JNU in regards to the request made by the petitioners. 

The Delhi High Court reproached JNU for not showing “swiftness and alacrity” and its failure to respond to the requests of petitioners made since April 13th.. The court commented that it would constitute gross negligence on part of the university. 

Noting down the three-fold increase in the number of COVID cases from 74 to 211 from 18th April till 7th May, the High Court issued various directions to be followed by the respondents at the earliest. 

The Registrar and VC are to make ascertain whether the oxygen within the campus is feasible and also if any modification to the proposal is required, the status of the COVID task force team, current position on the isolation and quarantine centre by the SDM and ADM and lastly the availability of medical staff for the patients along with a Centre for Social Medicine and Community Health for drawing plans for COVID care. 

After repetitive slackness on the part of the authorities comprising the JNU administration, Ministry of Education, ADM and SDM office and the UGC Secretary, the petitioners represented by Mr Abhik Chimni were compelled to knock on the doors of the Court. 

On behalf of respondents, Senior Counsel Ms Monika accepted the notice and sought some time for instructions, as she appeared on an advance copy.

Further on behalf of SDM and GNCTD, Aditya Khanna answered that the entire campus is under the control of JNU authority and hence they are unable to do anything, however, if the University coordinates, they are willing to help. 

The Delhi High Court remarked that the university is bound to take care of health and make available COVID facilities inside the campus.