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Biden Administration asks Supreme Court to block Texas Abortion Ban

Sanika Deshpande –

Published On : 19 October, 2021 at 13:54 IST

The Joe Biden Administration asked the United States Supreme Court to block the Texas Abortion Law, calling it ‘unconstitutional’.

They requested the Court to reverse the Law and said that it was designed to evade Judicial scrutiny.

The Administration also took unusual step of telling the Justices that they may grant Texas Law a full review which also includes a major case about the future of Abortion Rights in the United States.

“The question now is whether Texas’ nullification of this Court’s precedents should be allowed to continue while the Courts consider the United States’ suit. As the District Court recognized, it should not,” the Justice Department wrote.

The Supreme Court cited the issues while deciding against Intervening last month.

The Law bans Abortions after the fetus heartbeat is detected. An exception for a Medical Emergency is made but not for cases of Rape.

It also gives an individual the Right to Sue the doctors who perform an abortion past the six week period.

Critics said, this provision provides monetary awards for successful lawsuits – lets people act as Anti-Abortion bounty hunters.

The Law has been in run since September, aside from a District Court- ordered pause that lasted just for 48 hours banning the abortion once the cardiac activity is detected.

Also Read: US Appeals Court: Texas Abortion Ban will be in Effect