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[Landmark Judgement] Krishnan Kakkanth V. Govt. of Kerala (1997) 

Published on: November 13, 2023 at 00:30 IST

Court: Supreme Court of India

Citation: Krishnan Kakkanth V. Govt. of Kerala (1997)

Honourable Supreme Court of India has held that if the Policy Decisions of the Government are capricious or arbitrary and not informed by any reason whatsoever or it suffers from the vice of discrimination or infringes any statute or provisions of the Constitution, then it must be stuck down.

36. To ascertain unreasonableness and arbitrariness in the context of Article 14 of the Constitution, it is not necessary to enter upon any exercise for finding out the wisdom in the policy decision of the State Government. It is immaterial whether a better or more comprehensive policy decision could have been taken. It is equally immaterial if it can be demonstrated that the policy decision is unwise and is likely to defeat the purpose for which such decision has been taken.

Unless the policy decision is demonstrably capricious or arbitrary and not informed by any reason whatsoever or it suffers from the vice of discrimination or infringes any statute or provisions of the Constitution, the policy decision cannot be struck down. It should be borne in mind that except for the limited purpose of testing a public policy in the context of illegality and unconstitutionality, courts should avoid “embarking on uncharted ocean of public policy”.

Drafted By Abhijit Mishra