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East Turkistan urges ICC to back its claim against China’s atrocities


The East Turkistan government-in-exile has urged the ICC (International Criminal Court) to support its complaint against China’s atrocities on the Turkic people of Occupied East Turkistan.

Prime Minister, Salih Hudayar, has asked the ICC to recognise China’s violent conduct as genocide.

The Prime Minister had months ago stated that millions of Uyghurs, Kazakhs, and Kyrgs are in the Chinese concentration camps.

He had earlier said, “Our people are being subjected to forced indoctrination, sterilization, family separation, organ harvesting, rape, torture, and even summary execution.”

As per the complaint, backed by 60 parliamentarians from different countries, the Chinese government might be committing crimes against humanity in East Turkistan on Uyghurs and other Turkic people.

He criticised the silence of Muslim country leaders and said that “the Muslim world needs to break their silence and come to the aid of the most oppressed Muslims in the world, the Muslims of East Turkistan.”