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Australia HC: British Waitress wins Discrimination battle

Sanika Deshpande

Published On: November 3, 2021 at 09:45 IST

On November 3rd, the Australian High Court ruled in favour of Catherine Addy, a British Backpacker who worked as a waitress in Sydney. She won a long running legal dispute against Australia’s “Backpacker Tax”.

The High Court found the tax which slugged the working holiday makers thousands of dollars more than the Australians discriminated against her as she is a British Citizen. 

The Australian Taxation Office will now have to pay back taxes which were collected from up to 75,000 backpackers who earlier worked in Australia.

“Most working holiday makers will be non-residents as they are in Australia to have a holiday and working to support that holiday.” 

 “This decision will not change the tax rates for the majority of working holidaymakers,” the agency stated in a statement.

“An Australian national deriving taxable income from the same source during the same period would have been taxed at a lower rate,” the High Court stated.

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