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Why S. Jaishankar considered as the most iconic Foreign Minister India has ever had?

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Published on: March 23, 2024 at 23:22 IST

In the world of global affairs, one figure from India has emerged on the international stage, captivating audiences with his astuteness, boldness, and Presenting India’s interests accurately. Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, India’s External Affairs Minister (EAM), has become a beacon of diplomatic world, he setting up the benchmarks in India’s foreign policy.

In recent times, Jaishankar’s appearances in front of the world media have garnered significant attention, particularly his remarkable statements at the SCO Meeting in Goa. His actions spoke volumes, from the deliberate snub to the Pakistani Foreign Minister to his resolute stance on Article 370, declaring it as history with the English phrase, “Wake up & smell the coffee.” These instances underscore Jaishankar’s assertive diplomacy and refusal to mince words in defending India’s interests.

What sets Jaishankar apart is his unyielding commitment to India’s sovereignty and security, evident in his candid remarks on Pakistan’s role in promoting terrorism and the country’s dwindling credibility. His fearless demeanor, devoid of any subservience to external powers, reflects a truly decolonized mindset, instilling confidence in India’s ability to assert itself on the global stage.

Credit must be given to Prime Minister Narendra Modi for recognizing Jaishankar’s exceptional abilities and appointing him as EAM. Jaishankar’s career trajectory, spanning nearly four decades and encompassing pivotal diplomatic roles, reflects his deep understanding of global dynamics and his unwavering dedication to advancing India’s interests.

His tenure as India’s Ambassador to China was marked by strategic acumen and firmness in countering Chinese provocations, exemplified by his swift response to visa issues concerning Indian territories. Moreover, Jaishankar’s handling of recent Sino-Indian relations amidst the Ukrainian conflict demonstrates his pragmatic yet resolute approach to safeguarding India’s interests in a rapidly changing geopolitical landscape.

As the 30th foreign minister of India, Jaishankar brings a unique blend of scholarly expertise, diplomatic finesse, and political acumen to the table. His astute handling of complex issues such as India’s stance on the Russia-Ukraine war reflects his ability to navigate nuanced geopolitical challenges while upholding India’s principled stand on peace and sovereignty.

Jaishankar’s role in fostering India’s strategic partnerships, particularly with the United States through initiatives like the Quad, underscores his commitment to enhancing India’s global standing while safeguarding its national interests. However, he also remains vigilant against attempts to impose unilateral standards on India, advocating for mutual understanding and respect in international relations.

In an era marked by shifting global dynamics and evolving security paradigms, Jaishankar’s leadership embodies India’s emergence as a confident and assertive player on the world stage. His ability to articulate India’s positions with clarity and conviction has garnered appreciation from allies and adversaries alike, cementing India’s reputation as a credible and principled actor in international affairs.